[Ajuda] Empresa nгo estб dando lucro.


Observo mas nгo vejo nada de errado com o sistema de empresas, nгo estб lucrando de maneira nenhuma. O objetivo do PayDay й de 1 em 1 hora, mas nгo estб funcionando, gostaria da ajuda de vocкs, por favor. Obrigado desde jб.

forward Business_TransactionTimer();
public Business_TransactionTimer()
	// Increase the variable by one

	// And save it to the file
// This function sets ownership to the given player
Business_SetOwner(playerid, BusID)
	// Setup local variables
	new BusSlotFree, Name[24], Msg[128], BusType;

	// Get the first free business-slot from this player
	BusSlotFree = Player_GetFreeBusinessSlot(playerid);

	// Check if the player has a free business-slot
	if (BusSlotFree != -1)
		// Get the player's name
		GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));

		// Store the business-id for the player
		APlayerData[playerid][Business][BusSlotFree] = BusID;
		// Get the business-type
		BusType = ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessType];

		// Let the player pay for the business
		RewardPlayer(playerid, -ABusinessInteriors[BusType][BusPrice], 0);

		// Set the business as owned
		ABusinessData[BusID][Owned] = true;
		// Store the owner-name for the business
		format(ABusinessData[BusID][Owner], 24, Name);
		// Set the level to 1
		ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessLevel] = 1;
		// Set the default business-name
		format(ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessName], 100, ABusinessInteriors[BusType][InteriorName]);
		// Store the current transaction-time (this is used so the player can only retrieve cash from the business from the moment he bought it)
		ABusinessData[BusID][LastTransaction] = BusinessTransactionTime;

		// Also, update 3DText of this business

		// Save the player-file (and also his houses/businesses)

		// Let the player know he bought the business
		format(Msg, 128, TXT_PlayerBoughtBusiness, ABusinessInteriors[BusType][BusPrice]);
		SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_PlayerOwnsMaxBusinesses);

	return 1;
// This function pays the current earnings of the given business to the player
Business_PayEarnings(playerid, BusID)
	new Msg[2000];
	new BusType = ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessType];
	new Earnings = (BusinessTransactionTime + ABusinessData[BusID][LastTransaction]) * ABusinessInteriors[BusType][BusEarnings] * ABusinessData[BusID][BusinessLevel];
	ABusinessData[BusID][LastTransaction] = BusinessTransactionTime;
	RewardPlayer(playerid, Earnings, 0);
	format(Msg, 2000, "{a9c4e4}Vocк ganhou na sua empresa {00ff00}R${ffffff}%i{a9c4e4} desde a sua ъltima retirada.", Earnings);
	SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
Essas sгo as trкs funзхes que geram o dinheiro por hora.

Messages In This Thread
Empresa nгo estб dando lucro. - by Gguiz - 27.08.2016, 17:22
Re: Empresa nгo estб dando lucro. - by nasser - 27.08.2016, 17:43
Re: Empresa nгo estб dando lucro. - by Carlos001 - 27.08.2016, 22:06

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