I just wanna know what did i do wrong...??

Originally Posted by Mr.Tony
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But wait...is it wrong if i call someone, i personaly..i wouldn't mind if someone of the opossit sex will call me...on the contrary i'll be happy especialy if he lives in another country...i'll be happy...But why the hell people in the USA have this mind set...Especialy the girls...wha do they think they are...i was just trying to be kind, nothing else...she could at least pick up the phone..and we'll talk and than fine...why?
Maybe she actually has a fucking life and doesn't sit on SA-MP forums posting troll threads all day long and can't pick up the fucking phone.

Blonde girl with blue eyes born in Japan living in US. Nice story lol, if it were someone else I'd give this story the benefit of the doubt, but since it's the biggest troll on the forum...

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