Originally Posted by Sanya4
IN "Usage of stack as temporary storage":
we see:
Did anyone get it? xD (Usually, in asm's it collects to PRI(As PRI is A, ALT is B, where a is accumulator register, b is base register))
it should be PRI / ALT, ALT / PRI would be SDIV.alt
Originally Posted by Sanya4
IN "Finding the address of functions"
PHP Code:
new addr;
#emit CONST.pri func1
#emit STOR.S.pri addr
Doesn't work with public function, should it be or what?!(Compared with funcidx)
As far as I know it works flawless if the function is defined before this code
Originally Posted by Sanya4
I think, it should be:
PHP Code:
#emit CONST.pri cmdtext
#emit LOAD.S.alt cmdtext is correct, use const.pri to get the relative address (cmdtext would be 16)