GetPlayerCameraFrontVector question

Hi, I need GetPlayerCameraFrontVector to get the aim target x,y,z.
but camera rotation is not like aim.

whatever, the question is:

pawn Код:
// A simple command to manipulate this vector using the
// positions from GetPlayerCameraPos. This command will create
// a hydra missile in the direction of where the player is looking.
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/test camera vector"))
            Float:fPX, Float:fPY, Float:fPZ,
            Float:fVX, Float:fVY, Float:fVZ,
            Float:object_x, Float:object_y, Float:object_z;
        // Change me to change the scale you want. A larger scale increases the distance from the camera.
        // A negative scale will inverse the vectors and make them face in the opposite direction.
            Float:fScale = 5.0;
        GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, fPX, fPY, fPZ);
        GetPlayerCameraFrontVector(playerid, fVX, fVY, fVZ);
        object_x = fPX + floatmul(fVX, fScale);
        object_y = fPY + floatmul(fVY, fScale);
        object_z = fPZ + floatmul(fVZ, fScale);
        CreateObject(345, object_x, object_y, object_z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        return 1;
    return 0;
this is from wiki, so

pawn Код:
object_x = fPX + floatmul(fVX, fScale);
is from circumference of a circle formula

x = ox + radius * cos(angle)
y = oy + radius * sin(angle)

so.. FVX should be cos of angle?
and how i get z angle? cuz i don't know formula for circumference of a sphere

if I'm wrong, somebody can explain me what are these vectors?

Messages In This Thread
GetPlayerCameraFrontVector question - by Petry - 15.08.2016, 17:34
Re: GetPlayerCameraFrontVector question - by AbyssMorgan - 15.08.2016, 17:41
Re: GetPlayerCameraFrontVector question - by Nero_3D - 15.08.2016, 17:44
Re: GetPlayerCameraFrontVector question - by Petry - 15.08.2016, 19:28
Re: GetPlayerCameraFrontVector question - by SickAttack - 15.08.2016, 20:47

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