UpdateVehicleDamageStatus panels and tires values

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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If you are going to edit the wiki, then you'd better be covering the bitmasking, and not just putting up that that include covers it...
That is exactly what I had planned to do, since I want to share the information. No need to tell me again to sound clever.

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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No "See" about it, you were handed the information in 2 ways...
I was handed the information I asked for just once, in the include.

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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One of which you needed to do some work with, another that you had the include, handed to you on a platter.
The second of which has no learning to it.
There is no learning at all here. I did not ask for a piece of code, I asked for data.

You still do not get at all what I asked for. I wanted to know all possible values of the panels and lights. These were not included in the post you linked. They were however in the include by AbyssMorgan.
I'll post everything I wanted to know, since apparently that is needed to aid my argument:
#define BUMPER_HEALTHY				0
#define BUMPER_CRUSHED				1
#define BUMPER_HANGING				2
#define BUMPER_MISSING				3
#define LIGHT_ENABLE				0
#define LIGHT_DISABLE				1
This is all I wanted to know, nothing more, nothing less. I didn't need a function to encode the values into one, because I know how to do that.
I don't have anything to learn in this conversation, because I know how binary works.
What I asked for is exactly the same as asking what the decimal value of the ascii # sign is. There is nothing to learn about that. Either you know it is 35 or you don't. I didn't know the values of the panels, there was no wiki information about it, googling didn't help me. Only then, I posted this thread.
Another example: say there was no information at all on the possible sound IDs. Would you still tell me to find out the thousands of possible values myself? Well someone had to look in the GTA SA source files. But if that information was already available, doing this work again would be extremely redundant. I simply asked if this information was known already, well apparently it was, as the snippet above proves.

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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"Be grateful"
Oh, I am, to AbyssMorgan. Because he gave me exactly what I needed.
He wasn't sarcastic about it, he didn't want to sound clever by saying "Took me 5 minutes searching on ******...", he didn't tell me to find out the values my self by "doing some trial and error", he didn't insist that he is right when I clearly said it was not the answer I was looking for, he didn't waste my time by continuing to argue and he didn't nearly ruin this thread by turning it in a complete useless argument.
To those people I am grateful, because they actually give valid answers. Not one that is clearly not a helpful answer to the question asked. Such a post is just a waste of forum space, makes others think that the thread is answered and is just not beneficial to this community at all.

You clearly can not handle being proven wrong. You just don't want to admit that either you did not read my first post properly and therefore commented to fast, or that you just thought I asked for something which I clearly said multiple times now that I was not looking for.

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