15.08.2016, 10:56
From where can I take the incldue
#include <a_timers> // Here the name of the include.?
I put this
#include <a_timers> // Here the name of the include.?
I put this
stock Timer:operator = (t) return Timer:t; stock StartTimer(&Timer:timer, const TimerTime) { timer = ((gettime())+(TimerTime)); return 1; } stock ObtainTimer(Timer:timer) { new CurrentTime = gettime(); return (_:timer-CurrentTime <= 0) ? (0) : (_:timer-CurrentTime); } stock bool:TimerHasHappened(Timer:timer) { return (ObtainTimer(_:timer) <= 0) ? (true) : (false); } And i have error tag mishmatch at this StartTimer(reported[playerid], 60000);