12.08.2016, 07:57
Lets say your account database structure is like this :
So when a user types say, "/check test"
Then you will check whether a file like this exits or not :
If not then send the player a message like "no such player in database!"
If yes then load the player info like you load when player logs in. Only difference: load it in different variable.
When i used to use ini systems what i did was that I used to declare player info variable like this :
See the "+1" here? I used to load offline player info in this extra index.
EDIT: late
Then you will check whether a file like this exits or not :
If yes then load the player info like you load when player logs in. Only difference: load it in different variable.
When i used to use ini systems what i did was that I used to declare player info variable like this :
new playerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS + 1];
EDIT: late