06.08.2016, 15:11
nothing is wrong in serverlog i use crashdetect and nothing wrong
---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team [16:57:03] [16:57:03] Server Plugins [16:57:03] -------------- [16:57:03] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so [16:57:03] CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK. [16:57:03] Loaded. [16:57:03] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [16:57:03] [16:57:03] =============================== [16:57:03] sscanf plugin loaded. [16:57:03] Version: 2.8.2 [16:57:03] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole [16:57:03] =============================== [16:57:03] Loaded. [16:57:03] Loading plugin: streamer.so [16:57:03] *** Streamer Plugin v2.8.2 by Incognito loaded *** [16:57:03] Loaded. [16:57:03] Loading plugin: MapAndreas.so [16:57:03] Loaded. [16:57:03] Loading plugin: Whirlpool.so [16:57:03] [16:57:03] ================== [16:57:03] [16:57:03] Whirlpool loaded [16:57:03] [16:57:03] ================== [16:57:03] [16:57:03] Loaded. [16:57:03] Loaded 5 plugins. [16:57:03] [16:57:03] Filterscripts [16:57:03] --------------- [16:57:03] Loading filterscript 'UltraHost.amx'... [16:57:03] Loaded 1 filterscripts. [16:57:03] [16:57:03] [16:57:03] [16:57:03] ======================================= [16:57:03] | | [16:57:03] | YSI version 3.09.0684 | [16:57:03] | By Alex "******" Cole | [16:57:03] | | [16:57:03] ======================================= [16:57:03] [16:57:03] [16:57:03] [16:57:03] --------------------------------- [16:57:03] Fucking DM Server By banana_ghost [16:57:03] --------------------------------- [16:57:03] MapAndreas: plugin could not init! [16:57:03] MapAndreas: check files and make sure you have enough memory! [16:57:03] MapAndreas: plugin could not init! [16:57:03] MapAndreas: check files and make sure you have enough memory! [16:57:03] Loaded 3 vehicles from: vehicles/trains.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 3 vehicles from: vehicles/pilots.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 15 vehicles from: vehicles/lv_law.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 39 vehicles from: vehicles/lv_airport.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 255 vehicles from: vehicles/lv_gen.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 38 vehicles from: vehicles/sf_law.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 35 vehicles from: vehicles/sf_airport.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 353 vehicles from: vehicles/sf_gen.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 24 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_law.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 37 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_airport.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 98 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_gen_inner.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 389 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_gen_outer.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 71 vehicles from: vehicles/whetstone.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 168 vehicles from: vehicles/bone.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 61 vehicles from: vehicles/flint.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 96 vehicles from: vehicles/tierra.txt [16:57:03] Loaded 96 vehicles from: vehicles/red_county.txt [16:57:03] Total vehicles from files: 1781 [16:57:03] --------------------------------- [16:57:03] Fucking DM Server By banana_ghost [16:57:03] --------------------------------- [16:57:03] Number of vehicle models: 173 [16:59:09] [connection] requests connection cookie. [16:59:10] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0 [16:59:10] [join] ShadyELF has joined the server (0: [16:59:35] [connection] requests connection cookie. [16:59:36] [connection] incoming connection: id: 1 [16:59:37] [join] Game has joined the server (1: [16:59:41] RCON (In-Game): Player #0 (ShadyELF) failed login. [16:59:47] RCON (In-Game): Player #0 (ShadyELF) has logged in. [16:59:49] [chat] [Game]: so ? [16:59:51] [chat] [ShadyELF]: dude [16:59:53] [chat] [ShadyELF]: listen me [17:00:00] [chat] [Game]: yeah [17:00:03] [chat] [ShadyELF]: im working on this server and .. got some lag [17:00:12] [chat] [Game]: yeah i saw [17:00:12] [chat] [ShadyELF]: when i try to admin you server going offline [17:00:16] [chat] [ShadyELF]: .. but dont worry [17:00:19] [chat] [ShadyELF]: ill fix it soon [17:00:41] [kill] Game killed ShadyELF UZI [17:00:42] [chat] [ShadyELF]: gg [17:00:51] [chat] [Game]: td its not working [17:00:51] [chat] [Game]: td its not working [17:00:54] [chat] [ShadyELF]: yes [17:00:56] [chat] [ShadyELF]: ill fix it [17:00:58] [kill] ShadyELF killed Game Sawn-off Shotgun [17:01:03] [chat] [ShadyELF]: this server will be the best soon [17:01:13] [kill] Game killed ShadyELF UZI [17:01:20] [chat] [ShadyELF]: ive post right now for the problem in samp forum.. [17:01:28] [chat] [ShadyELF]: im waiting to fix the bug |
CMD:aduty(playerid, params[]) { if(LoginCheck[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, ""ERROR_MESSAGE""); if(pInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, ""ERROR_MESSAGE""); else if(aduty[playerid] == 0) { //Saving Stuff Before Going On Admin Duty aduty[playerid] =1; offduty[playerid] =0; GetPlayerHealth(playerid, ahealth[playerid]); GetPlayerArmour(playerid, aarmor[playerid]); aInter[playerid] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid); aWorld[playerid] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid); GetPlayerPos(playerid,aX[playerid],aY[playerid],aZ[playerid]); SpawnPlayer(playerid); AdminMsg(playerid,"aduty (On Duty)"); } else { aduty[playerid] =0; offduty[playerid] =1; aInter[playerid] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid); aWorld[playerid] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid); GetPlayerPos(playerid,aX[playerid],aY[playerid],aZ[playerid]); SpawnPlayer(playerid); AdminMsg(playerid,"aduty (Off Duty)"); } return 1; } |