Server crash after using command.

It's pretty obvious isn't it?

native fwrite
in public AddToWareHouse
File functions crash the server if an invalid handle is used. One must ALWAYS check that a file can be opened (fopen()) in the desired mode (read or write) before doing any actual reading or writing.

Messages In This Thread
Server crash after using command. - by jimdo - 05.08.2016, 16:13
Re: Server crash after using command. - by JustMe.77 - 05.08.2016, 16:23
Re: Server crash after using command. - by jimdo - 05.08.2016, 17:23
Re: Server crash after using command. - by Shady - 05.08.2016, 17:37
Re: Server crash after using command. - by AndySedeyn - 05.08.2016, 17:55
Re: Server crash after using command. - by Vince - 05.08.2016, 17:59

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