Split everything up and #include <everything>?

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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Don't separate it into multiple files if you want it to "look clean and good as possible".

Hooks, missing a file, etc.
Keep your bad advice to yourself please, a hook looks more professional if you are going for the "look", provides amazing stuff, and splitting code into files provides for way easier debugging process as you can turn off or remove an entire system with two slashes ( // )

I hope you are not one of those guys who blab about their GM being 100k lines, when I can create a system way more advanced than theirs in 1000 lines.

also OT:
The only downside to having modular code is you sometimes need to change their order as to meet all the variable requirements (if you use for example VehI in admin file, you need to include admin file after veh file so it won't throw an error) and also you can't hook cmds, other than that there are lots and lots of pros to having a modular code.

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