04.08.2016, 16:18
you can use it by this way I think its better and easer to read...
Edit: Thanks Stinged, fixed.
PHP Code:
enum EventInfo
new Events[][EventInfo] = {
{"New Year's Day", 1, 1}, // You can add more "Events Text", "Day", "Month"
{"Martin Luther King Day", 8, 1},
{"Valentine's Day", 14, 2},
{"Presidents's Day", 15, 2},
{"Easter Sunday", 3, 27},
{"Thomas Jefferson's Birthday", 13, 4},
{"Mother's Day", 8, 5},
{"Memorial Day", 30, 5},
{"Father's Day", 16, 6},
{"Independence Day", 4, 7},
{"Labor Day", 5, 9},
{"Columbos Day", 10, 10},
{"Halloween", 31, 10},
{"Election Day", 8, 11},
{"Veterans Day", 11, 11},
{"Christmas Eve", 24, 12},
{"Christmas Day", 25, 12},
{"Christmas Day Observed", 26, 12},
{"New Year's Eve", 31, 12}
forward LoadEvents();
public LoadEvents()
new day, month, year;
getdate(day, month, year);
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof Events; i++)
if(day == Events[i][Day] && month == Events[i][Month]){
new string[80];
format(string, sizeof(string), "[BOT]: Happy %s (%02d/%02d)", Events[i][EvName], GetDay(day,month), GetMonth(month));
SendClientMessageToAll(-1, string);
return 1;