TextDraw Editor

Yes, it's very stupid. I want to go on with my script but I can't create some textdraws.

I solved my problem. I started samp as administrator so it doesn't worked. I change this and now I don't start samp as administrator and it work.

Thanks for all who tried to help me.

PS: The thread can be closed.

Messages In This Thread
TextDraw Editor - by Mencent - 03.08.2016, 17:59
Re: TextDraw Editor - by WhiteGhost - 03.08.2016, 18:00
Re: TextDraw Editor - by Mencent - 03.08.2016, 18:04
Re: TextDraw Editor - by Fantje - 03.08.2016, 18:16
Re: TextDraw Editor - by Mencent - 03.08.2016, 18:55
Re: TextDraw Editor - by Fantje - 03.08.2016, 19:50
Re: TextDraw Editor - by Mencent - 03.08.2016, 20:19

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