Error with Dialogs

Thanks but there is one more thing

My Code Now:

		new string[952];
		strcat(string, "{FF0000} ~ Server Owner | Founder ~{FFFFFF}\n");
		strcat(string, "/ac, /asay, /freeze, /unfreeze, /mute, /unmute, /kick, /checkplayer, /clear, /weather, /spectate, /stopspec, /reports\n");
		strcat(string, "/disarm, /transfer, /unbug, /goto, /get, /tempban, /ban, /resetcash, /resetbank, /vrespawn, /sethealth, /setarmour, /teleplayer\n");
		strcat(string, "/br, /transfer, /addsong, /delsong, /orgkick, /setleader, /kickleader, /leaderlist, /resetorg, /giveallweapon, /disarmall\n");
		strcat(string, "/setsmember, /banip, /unbanip, /v, /setcolor, /setskin, /setpres, /kickpres /repair, /flip, /flipcar, /glic, /setadmin, /setadminuc\n");
		strcat(string, "/exit, /pos, /setvip, /setscore, /armourall, /healall, /setallcash, /records, /setapass, /write, /listen, /dmisland, /hvip, /svip\n");
		strcat(string, "/getip, /setmoney, /givemoney, /awant, /jetpack, /playmusic, /addsong, /delsong, /gotopos, /dyhelp\n");
		strcat(string, "~{FF0000} RCON Admin Commands{FFFFFF} ~\n");
		strcat(string, "{FF0000}Board Commands:{FFFFFF} /createboard /editbfsize /editbtext /editbpos /gotoboard /deleteboard\n");
		strcat(string, "{FF0000}Disable Commands:{FFFFFF} /disablelist /disablecommand /unblockcommand\n");
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3110201,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Admin Lvl 6 Commands", string, "Okay", "");
By Disable Commands it only shows the /d and not the hole line


Messages In This Thread
Error with Dialogs - by Immortal99 - 03.08.2016, 07:14
Re: Error with Dialogs - by AndySedeyn - 03.08.2016, 07:16
Re: Error with Dialogs - by Immortal99 - 03.08.2016, 07:46
Re: Error with Dialogs - by AndySedeyn - 03.08.2016, 07:50
Re: Error with Dialogs - by Immortal99 - 03.08.2016, 08:33
Re: Error with Dialogs - by AndySedeyn - 03.08.2016, 08:39
Re: Error with Dialogs - by Immortal99 - 03.08.2016, 09:25

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