CallBackFunction MYSQL cached

A bit confused. So what I'm trying to achieve is.
I have a /createfaction -> Which stores 'factionname' and 'factionid' under my faction table. Using INSERT INTO.
Simliarly, I also have 'factionname' and 'factionid' under my accounts table in where I'm trying to link a individual who created that faction on it.

So upon /createfaction -> I use INSERT INTO and put faction name as the inputtext in my dialog.
Similarly I want to be able to use 'UPDATE' or any mysql function and add the same inputtext under my `accounts` table at `factionname` and assign it a `factionid` similary I did under `faction` table. The way I'm assinging faction id is using cache_insert_id as I'm using Auto Increment.
So I thought using callbackfunction would let me do it.
But it isn't working.

Messages In This Thread
CallBackFunction MYSQL cached - by DavidLuango - 30.07.2016, 09:29
Re: CallBackFunction MYSQL cached - by DavidLuango - 30.07.2016, 16:13
Re: CallBackFunction MYSQL cached - by Gammix - 30.07.2016, 16:19
Re: CallBackFunction MYSQL cached - by DavidLuango - 30.07.2016, 16:41
Re: CallBackFunction MYSQL cached - by DavidLuango - 30.07.2016, 16:54
Re: CallBackFunction MYSQL cached - by DavidLuango - 30.07.2016, 18:03
Re: CallBackFunction MYSQL cached - by Gammix - 30.07.2016, 18:36
Re: CallBackFunction MYSQL cached - by Konstantinos - 30.07.2016, 19:02
Re: CallBackFunction MYSQL cached - by Gammix - 30.07.2016, 19:12
Re: CallBackFunction MYSQL cached - by DavidLuango - 30.07.2016, 21:05

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