Two login problems =/

When a file goes to the next line it uses "\n". This counts as a character when using strmid or format. So your string, 'tmppass' is actually coming out to be something like this, "mypassword\n" Although, please note that '\n' is only 1 character, not 2. Also, in your strcmp change the 'true' to 'false' because you want the password to be case sensitive. That way "MyPassword" isn't the same as "mYpAsSwOrD"

Messages In This Thread
Two login problems =/ - by Badger(new) - 22.08.2009, 02:03
Re: Two login problems =/ - by Joe Staff - 22.08.2009, 02:08
Re: Two login problems =/ - by Badger(new) - 22.08.2009, 12:02

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