21.08.2009, 23:53
Look for UAC (ultimate anti cheat).. i use their anti weapon thing but remember there is a bug.. there are no satchel charges in slot 7! xD i think he forgot to add the flame thrower.. <LOL>
nvm i use this.. i just set a timer:
credits go to the crators of ultimate anti cheat!
i suggest a timer every 5-6 sek.. (ex SetTimer("BAD_WEAPON_CHECK",6317,1);
nvm i use this.. i just set a timer:
pawn Код:
forward AntiWeaponHack();
public AntiWeaponHack(){
new string[256];
for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++){
new weapon, ammo;
GetPlayerWeaponData(i, 7, weapon, ammo);
if(IsInMinigunArena[i] == 0 && weapon == 38 && ammo >= 1){
SendClientMessage(i,CDRED,"Twoje Bronie Zostaly usuniete z powodu minigun-a.");
format(string,sizeof(string),"RAPORT SYSTEM: Wykryto Minigun u gracza %s poza Arena, Usunieto go.",PlayerName(i));
if(weapon == 36 && ammo >= 1){
SendClientMessage(i,CDRED,"Twoje Bronie Zostaly usuniete z powodu Bazooki.");
format(string,sizeof(string),"RAPORT SYSTEM: Wykryto Bazooke u gracza %s , Usunieto ja.",PlayerName(i));
if(weapon == 35 && ammo >= 1){
SendClientMessage(i,CDRED,"Twoje Bronie Zostaly usuniete z powodu Bazooki.");
format(string,sizeof(string),"RAPORT SYSTEM: Wykryto Bazooke u gracza %s , Usunieto ja.",PlayerName(i));
if(weapon == 37 && ammo >= 1){
SendClientMessage(i,CDRED,"Twoje Bronie Zostaly usuniete z powodu miotacza ognia.");
format(string,sizeof(string),"RAPORT SYSTEM: Wykryto miotacz ognia u gracza %s , Usunieto go.",PlayerName(i));
return 1;
i suggest a timer every 5-6 sek.. (ex SetTimer("BAD_WEAPON_CHECK",6317,1);