Pawno not compiling my GM

Ive searched SAMP forums and also ******, but I cant find anything that I need help with.

After I open a new Pawno script, I save it, then when I hit on 'Compile', or F5, the file does not get compiled, but the GTA SAMP automatically opens and tries to connect to server :7777.

It stays that way and when i /q out of GTA SA, Pawno is just sitting there doing nothing.

Theres one popup, the compiler popup, but its empty. There are no errors or anything.

Messages In This Thread
Pawno not compiling my GM[+REP] - by Boss201 - 23.07.2016, 16:34
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Rosie - 23.07.2016, 17:41
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Boss201 - 23.07.2016, 18:08
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Rosie - 23.07.2016, 18:15
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Boss201 - 23.07.2016, 18:25
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Boss201 - 23.07.2016, 18:45
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Boss201 - 23.07.2016, 20:05
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Younes44 - 23.07.2016, 20:37
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Boss201 - 23.07.2016, 20:53
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Younes44 - 23.07.2016, 20:59

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