Pawno not compiling my GM

Its the GM BARE.PWN that should take a second as it was in windows 7. but i wait more than 2 mins it stays the same.

Messages In This Thread
Pawno not compiling my GM[+REP] - by Boss201 - 23.07.2016, 16:34
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Rosie - 23.07.2016, 17:41
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Boss201 - 23.07.2016, 18:08
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Rosie - 23.07.2016, 18:15
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Boss201 - 23.07.2016, 18:25
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Boss201 - 23.07.2016, 18:45
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Boss201 - 23.07.2016, 20:05
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Younes44 - 23.07.2016, 20:37
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Boss201 - 23.07.2016, 20:53
Re: Pawno not compiling my GM - by Younes44 - 23.07.2016, 20:59

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