Command wont work

pawn Код:
CMD:movedoor(playerid, params[])
    #pragma tabsize 0
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_LANDS; i++)
            new playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
            GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername));
            if(IsPlayerInGangZone(playerid, LandInfo[i][landZone]))
                for(new x = 0; x < 251; x ++)
                    new Float:Positions[3], Float:Rotations[3];
                        GetDynamicObjectPos(LandInfo[i][landObjects][x], Positions[0], Positions[1], Positions[2]);
                        GetDynamicObjectRot(LandInfo[i][landObjects][x], Rotations[0], Rotations[1], Rotations[2]);

                        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, Positions[0], Positions[1], Positions[2], 6.0))
                            if(objectInfo[x][oDoor] == 1)
                                if(strcmp(playername, LandInfo[i][landOwner], true) == 0 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLandPerms] >= 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pEditLand] == i || TempLandPerm[playerid] == i)
                                    if(objectInfo[x][oDoorOpen] == 0)
                                        SetDynamicObjectRot(LandInfo[i][landObjects][x], Rotations[0], 90.0, Rotations[2]);
                                        objectInfo[x][oDoorOpen] = 0;
                                        SetDynamicObjectRot(LandInfo[i][landObjects][x], objectInfo[x][oRotX], objectInfo[x][oRotY], objectInfo[x][oRotZ]);
                                        objectInfo[x][oDoorOpen] = 1;
                                else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You do not own this land or have permission to open this door");
                            else if(objectInfo[x][oDoor] == 2)
                                if(strcmp(playername, LandInfo[i][landOwner], true) == 0 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLandPerms] >= 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pEditLand] == i || TempLandPerm[playerid] == i)
                                    if(objectInfo[x][oDoorOpen] == 0)
                                        MoveDynamicObject(LandInfo[i][landObjects][x], Positions[0], Positions[1], Positions[2]+3, 50.0, Rotations[0], Rotations[1], 90.0);
                                        objectInfo[x][oDoorOpen] = 0;
                                        MoveDynamicObject(LandInfo[i][landObjects][x], objectInfo[x][oPosX], objectInfo[x][oPosY], objectInfo[x][oPosZ], 50.0, objectInfo[x][oRotX], objectInfo[x][oRotY], objectInfo[x][oRotZ]);
                                        objectInfo[x][oDoorOpen] = 1;
                                else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You do not own this land or have permission to open this door.");
        return 1;
When i /movedoor in-game nothing will happen

Messages In This Thread
Command wont work - by TaiRinsuru - 13.07.2016, 12:04
Re: Command wont work - by Dejan12345 - 13.07.2016, 12:56

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