06.07.2016, 12:32
Some Information about Purity Roleplay:
- Server Hosted Tab
- Team Speak
- MyBB Forums : www.purity-roleplay.net
- 100 player slot SA:MP server
- Decent Medium - Heavy Roleplay Script
Purity Roleplay is seeking Admins/Helpers and two (3) Faction leaders for the following factions
[-]San Andreas Government
[-]Department of Corrections
[-]Federal Bureau of Investigations
[-]* Mafias/Gangs needed ALSO*
The server will be having a grand opening in the following days and these spots need to be filled!
Administrator Requirements:
* Two or more years of SA:MP Administrating on a previous server
* English much be average 5/10 or more.
* Must know how to use a MyBB forums software
* Must be able to keep professional at all times
* Must have general knowledge about SA:MP and it's limitations
IF You are interested, contact me on skype: djean_1996
Come on Teamspeak or pop up In-game and we'll have a chat!
Server Info should be in my Signature!