Players crash trying to login...

1) I know that CreateObject creates the object for everyone.
2) Will try
3) So if I add the objects under OnGameModeInit, crashes won't occur ?? Also is there an object limit for it ??

Messages In This Thread
Players crash trying to login... - by iAssassin - 02.07.2016, 16:30
Re: Players crash trying to login... - by J0sh... - 02.07.2016, 16:32
Re: Players crash trying to login... - by OmegaKiller72 - 02.07.2016, 16:33
Re: Players crash trying to login... - by iAssassin - 03.07.2016, 18:14
Re: Players crash trying to login... - by Stinged - 03.07.2016, 18:18
Re: Players crash trying to login... - by Vince - 03.07.2016, 18:24
Re: Players crash trying to login... - by iAssassin - 03.07.2016, 18:53
Re: Players crash trying to login... - by Stinged - 03.07.2016, 19:05
Re: Players crash trying to login... - by iAssassin - 03.07.2016, 19:17

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