/help support & Textdraw issue

Hi SAMP Community,

I am wondering firstly how to remove the "R" like symbol from the bottom right, (Pictured here)
I have managed to remove the boarder and background but i cant seem to find anything to remove that... Heres the bits of the script I believe you need, although im not sure.
Secondly I seem to have an issue with my /help command as it only shows some of the commands scripted; It doesn't show any of the "General" commands and i am unsure as to why as it compiles perfectly fine!
Heres the code:http://pastebin.com/jbGxm8kU


If you require any other snippets of the script then please ask and ill do that ASAP!

Best regards.

Messages In This Thread
/help support & Textdraw issue [SOLVED] - by Louwwieee42 - 03.07.2016, 17:03
Re: /help support & Textdraw issue - by LennyBE - 03.07.2016, 17:21
Re: /help support & Textdraw issue - by Louwwieee42 - 03.07.2016, 17:43
Re: /help support & Textdraw issue - by Vince - 03.07.2016, 18:44
Re: /help support & Textdraw issue - by Louwwieee42 - 03.07.2016, 18:45
Re: /help support & Textdraw issue - by Vince - 03.07.2016, 19:44
Re: /help support & Textdraw issue - by Louwwieee42 - 03.07.2016, 19:58
Re: /help support & Textdraw issue - by Louwwieee42 - 03.07.2016, 20:03

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