Y_INI problem...

Do you have anything like #pragma unused Enabled inside your script or such?

Also Ill quote ****** on this one
Originally Posted by ******
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Do you get any warnings or other messages when you compile (I'm thinking specifically verbose output after the "compilation complete" message). Stack and heap problems are generally caused by calling too many functions with lots of local variables inside each other - PAWN just runs out of memory to store them.

Messages In This Thread
Y_INI problem... - by DusanInfinity - 02.07.2016, 22:05
Re: Y_INI problem... - by TwinkiDaBoss - 03.07.2016, 00:27
Re: Y_INI problem... - by DusanInfinity - 03.07.2016, 07:05
Re: Y_INI problem... - by TwinkiDaBoss - 03.07.2016, 13:03
Re: Y_INI problem... - by DusanInfinity - 03.07.2016, 13:08

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