[GameMode] [GameMode].:[Plasma X-Games™ v.3]:. Very Nice!! Race/Drift/Tune/Stunt Mode!!

Thanks for all the comments!!! I appreciate them all good or bad!!
**Those errors arent mine!!!! Please be sure of the source before saying i made the errors!!**
As you see someone tried to modify my original code!!!
My original code: (was meant for admin to display rules to eveyone)
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/rules", true)== 0 && IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) == 1){
SendClientMessageToAll(0x33AA33AA, ".:[Plasma X-Games™].:.[Rules and Regulations]:.");
SendClientMessageToAll(0x33AA33AA, "NO CHEATING OR USING HACKS!! Or You will GET BANNED");
SendClientMessageToAll(0x33AA33AA, "No Spawn Killing or DM!! This is NOT a DM Server!!");
SendClientMessageToAll(0x33AA33AA, "No Car Jacking!! Respect other peoples rides, Get your Own!!");
return 1;}

Yes my indentation sux!!!...sorry its easier for me to understand my code. Will incorrect indenting make it run any different, i dont think so

It was my first script, and yes it's all teles...and spawns. The Gamemode gets the most traffic of any: race/drift/tune/stunt type of server !! I have screenshots to prove it!!!
Just because the gamemode doesnt have a "race script" within it does not mean it's not a race server. Here's an example of how we race..... We choose a teleport to start from (37 diff ones!!)......decide where we're going to race to (the finish)..then we use the /count command to start the race!!! Thats not a race
It's hell of alot more fun the a "pre-made" race, in my oppinion. -syko

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