Transparent colors on radar

Originally Posted by -=Dar[K]Lord=-
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The color format is as follows:


RR = Red
GG = Green
BB = Blue
AA = Alpha

FF = Highest value = 255
00 = Lowest value = 0

Alpha is the transparency of the color , thus to make one's marker invisible , you can need to set its alpha 0 either by doing some math or by defining the colors alpha

//Color Format:                   0xRRGGBBAA
#define COLOR_WHITE_INV           0xFFFFFF00
#define COLOR_COP_INV             0x6666CC00
#define COLOR_GN_INV              0x80008000
#define COLOR_WHITE_INV           0xFFFFFF00
#define COLOR_PARAMEDIC_INV       0x00640000
#define COLOR_YELLOW_INV          0xFFFF0000
#define COLOR_ORANGE_INV          0xFF990000
#define COLOR_DARKORANGE_INV      0xFF8C0000
#define COLOR_RED_INV             0xFF000000
#define COLOR_DARKGRAY_INV        0x69696900
//sorry for the intendations
For more safety you can use this function to convert any non-transparent value to transparent value
stock TransparentColor(color)
	return (color  & 0xFFFFFF00);
Ty so much <3

Messages In This Thread
Transparent colors on radar - by gmstrikker - 29.06.2016, 05:41
Re: Transparent colors on radar - by Vince - 29.06.2016, 09:46
Re: Transparent colors on radar - by gmstrikker - 30.06.2016, 04:06
Re: Transparent colors on radar - by DTV - 30.06.2016, 04:52
Re: Transparent colors on radar - by gmstrikker - 30.06.2016, 06:21
Re: Transparent colors on radar - by -=Dar[K]Lord=- - 30.06.2016, 06:41
Re: Transparent colors on radar - by gmstrikker - 30.06.2016, 14:52

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