Server changing variables randomly (memory bug?)

I run some tests because I wanted to make a function to continue messages to a new line if they are very long and I received such messages when the string was too long


[19:43:30] [join] SecretBoss has joined the server (0:
[19:43:50] sscanf warning: String buffer overflow.
[19:43:53] sscanf warning: String buffer overflow.
[19:43:54] [part] SecretBoss has left the server (0:2)
[19:44:18] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[19:44:19] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[19:44:19] [join] SecretBoss has joined the server (0:
[19:44:33] sscanf warning: String buffer overflow.
[19:44:38] sscanf warning: String buffer overflow.
[19:49:32] sscanf warning: String buffer overflow.
[19:49:34] [part] SecretBoss has left the server (0:2)

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