30.06.2016, 06:41
The color format is as follows:
RR = Red
GG = Green
BB = Blue
AA = Alpha
FF = Highest value = 255
00 = Lowest value = 0
Alpha is the transparency of the color , thus to make one's marker invisible , you can need to set its alpha 0 either by doing some math or by defining the colors alpha
For more safety you can use this function to convert any non-transparent value to transparent value
RR = Red
GG = Green
BB = Blue
AA = Alpha
FF = Highest value = 255
00 = Lowest value = 0
Alpha is the transparency of the color , thus to make one's marker invisible , you can need to set its alpha 0 either by doing some math or by defining the colors alpha
//Color Format: 0xRRGGBBAA #define COLOR_WHITE_INV 0xFFFFFF00 #define COLOR_COP_INV 0x6666CC00 #define COLOR_GN_INV 0x80008000 #define COLOR_WHITE_INV 0xFFFFFF00 #define COLOR_PARAMEDIC_INV 0x00640000 #define COLOR_YELLOW_INV 0xFFFF0000 #define COLOR_ORANGE_INV 0xFF990000 #define COLOR_DARKORANGE_INV 0xFF8C0000 #define COLOR_RED_INV 0xFF000000 #define COLOR_DARKGRAY_INV 0x69696900 //sorry for the intendations
stock TransparentColor(color) { return (color & 0xFFFFFF00); }