TogglePlayerControllable - damage?

for exmpl... player isn't able to control, but someone else wants to kill him, so he would be able to give damage to the player, which cannot control.

Messages In This Thread
TogglePlayerControllable - damage? - by Bigwebicek - 28.06.2016, 16:03
Re: TogglePlayerControllable - damage? - by TayFunCZE - 28.06.2016, 16:08
Re: TogglePlayerControllable - damage? - by Bigwebicek - 28.06.2016, 16:12
Re: TogglePlayerControllable - damage? - by SickAttack - 28.06.2016, 16:17
Re: TogglePlayerControllable - damage? - by Bigwebicek - 28.06.2016, 16:30

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