SERVER: Unknown Command, but working

Load crashdetect plugin, re-compile your scripts with debug info, start the server and when you get output with [debug] in server log, post them here.

I'll point out two things for now, just for future reference:
If TrySell[playerid][2] is not between 0 and the size of CarInfo, run time error 4.

If player is not in vehicle, GetVehicleModel returns 0 and subtracting 400 from it, it tries to access element at negative index; hence run time error 4.

Messages In This Thread
SERVER: Unknown Command, but working - by MayaEU - 27.06.2016, 20:05
Re: SERVER: Unknown Command, but working - by Konstantinos - 27.06.2016, 20:14
Re: SERVER: Unknown Command, but working - by MayaEU - 28.06.2016, 04:36
Re: SERVER: Unknown Command, but working - by MayaEU - 28.06.2016, 09:01
Re: SERVER: Unknown Command, but working - by FuNkYTheGreat - 28.06.2016, 11:58
Re: SERVER: Unknown Command, but working - by MayaEU - 28.06.2016, 14:42

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