27.06.2016, 19:51
One thing i know for sure. Your computer does not have enough power. How i know? Fans are spinning, lights are working but it does not give any other signs of life. Now that can be caused by two things. Faulty power supply and/or bad circuit. Power supply is one mean thing, it is built to survive overpower and other things (even the shittiest ones). So im pretty sure its not power supply, but a bad circuit that drains all the power from power supply (and its more than casual thing with shitty power supplys). You said you striped everything down to motherboard and cpu. Motherboard can not work without CPU, i mean it can not diagnose itself and tell you whats wrong using beeps (i have seen some boards that just beep continuasly when they dont have cpu but thats rare). So like i said before you need to test them. And i said bring it to shop for a reason. If you try to place your CPU on a working motherboard and cpu is shortened somewhere, its possible that you can fry motherboard to. And same goes for motherboard (you could fry working CPU). Shops have equipment that can test that, or they take the risks i mentioned above.