that admis read the pm"s

that admis read the pm"s
I add ?

    if(Player[playerid][Mute] == true) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FFFFFF}Error: {0099FF}You are muted, STFU.");

	new recieverid, text[180];

	#if PLUGINS == 1
		if(sscanf(params,"is[180]",recieverid, text)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{FFFFFF}USAGE: {0099FF}/pm [Player ID] [Text]");
		if(sscanf(params,"is",recieverid, text)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{FFFFFF}USAGE: {0099FF}/pm [Player ID] [Text]");
	if(!IsPlayerConnected(recieverid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{FFFFFF}Error: {0099FF}Player not connected.");

	new String[180];
	format(String,sizeof(String),"{66CC00}*** PM from %s (%d): %s",Player[playerid][Name], playerid, text);

	format(String,sizeof(String),"{66CC00}*** PM to %s (%d): %s",Player[recieverid][Name], recieverid, text);


Messages In This Thread
that admis read the pm"s - by vegaltasendai - 26.06.2016, 21:32
Re: that admis read the pm"s - by WhiteGhost - 26.06.2016, 21:34
Re: that admis read the pm"s - by Dayrion - 27.06.2016, 02:09
Re: that admis read the pm"s - by WhiteGhost - 27.06.2016, 02:50
Re: that admis read the pm"s - by Sithis - 27.06.2016, 05:37
Re: that admis read the pm"s - by PrO.GameR - 27.06.2016, 11:04
Re: that admis read the pm"s - by Infinity - 27.06.2016, 11:15
Re: that admis read the pm"s - by Vince - 27.06.2016, 11:58
Re: that admis read the pm"s - by Sithis - 27.06.2016, 13:01
Re: that admis read the pm"s - by Infinity - 27.06.2016, 13:05

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