Linux Help

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[17:26:16] filterscripts = "" (string)
[17:26:16] Server Plugins
[17:26:16] --------------
[17:26:16] Loading plugin:

[17:26:16] ===============================

[17:26:16] sscanf plugin loaded.

[17:26:16] Version: 2.8.1

[17:26:16] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole

[17:26:16] ===============================

[17:26:16] Loaded.
[17:26:16] Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[17:26:16] Loaded.
[17:26:16] Loading plugin:
[17:26:16] ==================
[17:26:16] Whirlpool loaded
[17:26:16] ==================
[17:26:16] Loaded.
[17:26:16] Loading plugin:
[17:26:16] CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
[17:26:16] Loaded.
[17:26:16] Loaded 4 plugins.

[17:26:16] Filterscripts
[17:26:16] ---------------
[17:26:16] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[17:26:17] =======================================
[17:26:17] | |
[17:26:17] | YSI version 3.09.0684 |
[17:26:17] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[17:26:17] | |
[17:26:17] =======================================
[17:26:17] Loaded 3 vehicles from: vehicles/trains.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 3 vehicles from: vehicles/pilots.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 15 vehicles from: vehicles/lv_law.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 39 vehicles from: vehicles/lv_airport.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 255 vehicles from: vehicles/lv_gen.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 38 vehicles from: vehicles/sf_law.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 35 vehicles from: vehicles/sf_airport.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 353 vehicles from: vehicles/sf_gen.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 24 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_law.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 37 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_airport.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 98 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_gen_inner.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 389 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_gen_outer.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 71 vehicles from: vehicles/whetstone.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 168 vehicles from: vehicles/bone.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 61 vehicles from: vehicles/flint.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 96 vehicles from: vehicles/tierra.txt
[17:26:17] Loaded 96 vehicles from: vehicles/red_county.txt
[17:26:17] Total Vehicles From Files: 1781
[17:26:17] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[17:26:17] Number of vehicle models: 174
[17:26:17] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[17:26:18] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[17:26:18] [connection] incoming connection: id: 1
[17:26:18] [join] LeOoO has joined the server (0:
[17:26:19] [join] alejandro has joined the server (1:

Messages In This Thread
Linux Help - by JuzDoiT - 26.06.2016, 21:20
Re: Linux Help - by WhiteGhost - 26.06.2016, 21:23
Re: Linux Help - by JuzDoiT - 26.06.2016, 21:28
Re: Linux Help - by JuzDoiT - 26.06.2016, 21:32
Re: Linux Help - by JuzDoiT - 26.06.2016, 21:34

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