[MYSQL] - Load veh

Well, I'm trying to load vehicles with the code below but it's not working, it seeming to me all is correct

public OnGameModeInit()
	mysql_function_query(g_iHandle, "SELECT * FROM `srv_cars`", true, "LoadCarSystem", "");
public LoadCarSystem()

	cache_get_data(rows, fields, g_iHandle);

	for (new i = 0; i < rows; i ++) if (i < MAX_VEHICLES)
	    CarSystem[i][cCarID] = cache_get_field_int(i, "CarID");
	    CarSystem[i][cModel] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Model");
		CarSystem[i][cEssence] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Essence");
        cache_get_row(i, 1, CarSystem[i][cX], g_iHandle, 128 );
        cache_get_row(i, 1, CarSystem[i][cY], g_iHandle, 128 );
        cache_get_row(i, 1, CarSystem[i][cZ], g_iHandle, 128 );
		cache_get_row(i, 1, CarSystem[i][cAngle], g_iHandle, 128 );
        CarSystem[i][cColor1] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Color1");
       	CarSystem[i][cColor2] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Color2");
       	CarSystem[i][cKM] = cache_get_field_int(i, "KM");
       	CarSystem[i][cObjective] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Objective");
       	CarSystem[i][cDoorsLocked] = cache_get_field_int(i, "DoorsLocked");
       	CarSystem[i][cVehicleType] = cache_get_field_int(i, "VehicleType");
        cache_get_field_content(i, "Plaque", CarSystem[i][cPlaque], g_iHandle, 32);
   	    CarSystem[i][cVehicleMaterials] = cache_get_field_int(i, "VehicleMaterials");
   	    CarSystem[i][cVehicleCrack] = cache_get_field_int(i, "VehicleCrack");
   	    CarSystem[i][cVehiclePot] = cache_get_field_int(i, "VehiclePot");
   	    CarSystem[i][cJantes] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Jantes");
   	    CarSystem[i][cMetre] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Metre");
   	    CarSystem[i][cVehicleHealth] = cache_get_field_int(i, "VehicleHealth");
    	CarSystem[i][cVehicleAlarm] = cache_get_field_int(i, "VehicleAlarm");
	    CarSystem[i][cVehicleOwned] = cache_get_field_int(i, "VehicleOwned");
	    CarSystem[i][cDescription] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Description");
	    cache_get_field_content(i, "Owner", CarSystem[i][cOwner], g_iHandle, 32);
     	CarSystem[i][cNitro] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Nitro");
	    CarSystem[i][cPaintJob] = cache_get_field_int(i, "PaintJob");
	    CarSystem[i][cLoad] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Load");
	    CarSystem[i][cVehINT] = cache_get_field_int(i, "VehINT");
	    CarSystem[i][cVehWorld] = cache_get_field_int(i, "VehWorld");
	    CarSystem[i][cHydro] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Hydro");
	    CarSystem[i][cPimped] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Pimped");
	    CarSystem[i][cPerma] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Perma");
	    CarSystem[i][cRank] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Rank");
	    CarSystem[i][cPrice] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Price");
	    CarSystem[i][cSpoiler] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Spoiler");
	    CarSystem[i][cFbumper] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Fbumper");
	    CarSystem[i][cRbumper] = cache_get_field_int(i, "Rbumper");
	    ChangeVehicleColor(i,CarSystem[i][cColor1], CarSystem[i][cColor2]);
     	CreateVehicle(CarSystem[i][cModel],CarSystem[i][cX],CarSystem[i][cY],CarSystem[i][cZ],CarSystem[i][cAngle],CarSystem[i][cColor1],CarSystem[i][cColor2], -1);

        printf("Loading Vehicles");
	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
[MYSQL] - Load veh - by Maximun - 26.06.2016, 12:32
Re: [MYSQL] - Load veh - by SaltySandy - 26.06.2016, 12:40
Re: [MYSQL] - Load veh - by Maximun - 26.06.2016, 12:47
Re: [MYSQL] - Load veh - by Maximun - 26.06.2016, 14:55
Re: [MYSQL] - Load veh - by SyS - 26.06.2016, 15:00
Re: [MYSQL] - Load veh - by Maximun - 26.06.2016, 15:07
Re: [MYSQL] - Load veh - by Konstantinos - 26.06.2016, 15:26
Re: [MYSQL] - Load veh - by Maximun - 26.06.2016, 17:53
Re: [MYSQL] - Load veh - by Konstantinos - 26.06.2016, 18:04
Re: [MYSQL] - Load veh - by Maximun - 26.06.2016, 21:01

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