Pawno has stop working

Hello, I when I add this dialog:

	else if(dialogid == CHOOSELOCATION)
				if(listitem == 0)
					new szMessage[128];
					SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW2, "You Chosen Los Santos.");
					SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Thank you for filling out the information!");
					RegistrationStep[playerid] = 0;
					SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pTut] = 1;
					//gOoc[playerid] = 0; gNews[playerid] = 0; gFam[playerid] = 0;
					TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
					DeletePVar(playerid, "MedicBill");
					for(new x;x<10000;x++)
						new rand=random(300);
						if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pSex] == 0)
							if(IsValidSkin(rand) && IsFemaleSpawnSkin(rand))
								PlayerInfo[playerid][pModel] = rand;
								SetPlayerSkin(playerid, rand);
							if(IsValidSkin(rand) && !IsFemaleSkin(rand))
								PlayerInfo[playerid][pModel] = rand;
								SetPlayerSkin(playerid, rand);
					format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "{AA3333}Setup{FFFF00}: %s (%d) has joined Crystal Generation Roleplay.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), playerid);
					ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED,szMessage, 2);
					SendClientMessageEx(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW,"Welcome to Los Santos!");
					SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "If you need help do /requesthelp and someone will come help you.");
					SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Please follow Server Rules to prevent being Jailed/Banned.");
                    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have been automatically refunded, please do not report for more. Do not report for a faction/family; see our forums for that.");
					SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, 1715.1201,-1903.1711,13.5665);
					SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 360.0);
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pVIPM] = VIPM;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pVIPExpire] = gettime()+2592000;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank] = 2;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pTempVIP] = 0;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pBuddyInvited] = 0;
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pGVip] = 0;
                    SetPVarInt(playerid, "VehicleRefund", 1);
                    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "* You have been allowed one free vehicle! (/vrefund)");
			    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, REGISTERAGE, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FF0000}What is your characters age?", string, "Submit", "");
		return 1;
In my script and compile it pawno has stopped working.

when I remove it I can compile it again does anyone know what the problem is ?

Messages In This Thread
Pawno has stop working - by IndependentGaming - 25.06.2016, 16:50
Re: Pawno has stop working - by Bomber07 - 25.06.2016, 16:52
Re: Pawno has stop working - by AroseKhanNiazi - 25.06.2016, 16:55
Re: Pawno has stop working - by Quinncell - 25.06.2016, 16:57
Re: Pawno has stop working - by IndependentGaming - 25.06.2016, 16:57
Re: Pawno has stop working - by IndependentGaming - 25.06.2016, 16:59
Re: Pawno has stop working - by Quinncell - 25.06.2016, 17:00
Re: Pawno has stop working - by IndependentGaming - 25.06.2016, 17:02
Re: Pawno has stop working - by Quinncell - 25.06.2016, 17:07
Re: Pawno has stop working - by IndependentGaming - 25.06.2016, 18:14

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