24.06.2016, 20:31
try this
if I am not wrong this code:
PHP код:
if(( GetTickCount() - FixvehTimer[playerid] ) < 180000 )
SCM(pid, -1, " {74FF5C}You have fixed your vehicle! You'll be able to use this command again after 3 minutes.");
format(string, sizeof(string), "{EB4255}[VIP CMD] VIP Player %s has repaired his vehicle.", vip);
SendManagerMessage(-1, string);
SetTimerEx("EndFixvehTimer", 180000, false, "i", playerid);
return 1;
if(FVTime < TimerInfo[playerid][CMD_vfixveh])
SCM(pid, -1, "{F71B9C} You can only use this command every 3 minutes.");
return 1;
return 1;
PHP код:
if( GetTickCount() - FixvehTimer[playerid] < 180000 )
PHP код:
if( FixvehTimer[playerid] < 180000 )