How To make a transparent textdraw

Hello guys please tell me how to make a transparent textdraw
here is my code
public OnGameModeInit()
new string[256];
format(string, sizeof(string),  "~b~BilluGang ~w~Cops ~w~And ~w~Robbers~l~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~");
	Intro0 = TextDrawCreate(319.000000,119.000000, string);
	TextDrawAlignment(Intro0, 2);
    TextDrawBackgroundColor(Intro0, 0x00000055);
	TextDrawFont(Intro0, 3);
	TextDrawLetterSize(Intro0, 0.66, 2.200000);
	TextDrawColor(Intro0, -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(Intro0, 0);
	TextDrawSetProportional(Intro0, 1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(Intro0, 1);
	TextDrawUseBox(Intro0, 1);
	TextDrawBoxColor(Intro0, 255);
	TextDrawTextSize(Intro0, 620.000000,460.000000);
	Intro1 = TextDrawCreate(319.000000,138.000000, "~g~San Firreo~w~ - ~y~Cnr Version 1.1");
	TextDrawAlignment(Intro1, 2);
    TextDrawBackgroundColor(Intro1, 0x00000055);
	TextDrawFont(Intro1, 3);
	TextDrawLetterSize(Intro1, 0.444, 2.00);
	TextDrawColor(Intro1, -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(Intro1, 0);
	TextDrawSetProportional(Intro1, 1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(Intro1, 1);

	Intro2 = TextDrawCreate(319.000000, 166.000000, " This Is ~r~NOT ~w~a Deathmatch Server~n~ Do ~r~NOT ~w~Attack People For No Reason~n~Or You Will Be Kicked / Banned~n~ Respect Admins And Other Players~n~ Type ~y~/help ~w~For Help And Game Information~n~ Type ~y~/rules ~w~For Server Rules");
	TextDrawAlignment(Intro2, 2);
    TextDrawBackgroundColor(Intro2, 0x00000055);
	TextDrawFont(Intro2, 1);
	TextDrawLetterSize(Intro2, 0.449999, 1.200000);
	TextDrawColor(Intro2, -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(Intro2, 0);
	TextDrawSetProportional(Intro2, 1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(Intro2, 1);

	format(string, sizeof(string), "");
	Intro4 = TextDrawCreate(315.000000, 244.000000, string);
	TextDrawAlignment(Intro4, 2);
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(Intro4, 0x00000077);
	TextDrawFont(Intro4, 2);
	TextDrawLetterSize(Intro4, 0.55, 1.400000);
	TextDrawColor(Intro4, -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(Intro4, 0);
	TextDrawSetProportional(Intro4, 1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(Intro4, 1);


Messages In This Thread
How To make a transparent textdraw - by CarRamper - 20.06.2016, 10:56
Re: How To make a transparent textdraw - by K0P - 20.06.2016, 11:00
Re: How To make a transparent textdraw - by CarRamper - 20.06.2016, 11:05
Re: How To make a transparent textdraw - by luke49 - 20.06.2016, 11:36

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