Originally Posted by TwinkiDaBoss
Well with Tquerries you need callbacks for your stuff.
Meaning for example
PHP Code:
new query[128];
mysql_format(mysql,query,sizeof(query),"UPDATE `something` SET `money`=%d WHERE `player`=%d",GetPlayerMoney(playerid),playerid);
forward OnPlayerUpdateMoney(playerid);
public OnPlayerUpdateMoney(playerid) {
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Your money has been updated");
return 1;
thank you for answer, but i need the plugin and .inc r6-2 for mysql plugin with no threads because i don't know how the threads works. Thank you.
The plugin is this:
https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=56564 but there isn't r6 there all r5 or r7