help code

Hello i have this code on my gamemode, when x players are in the zone it will start to conquist, but i want to make it too when 1 player or x, if get 3 kills on this zone, starts to conquist it.
CallBack: ZoneUpdate()
	for(new z=0; z < MAX_ZONAS; z++)
	    if(ZoneTakeOverTeam[z] == -1)
         for(new t=0; t < MAX_TEAMS; t++)
	            if(t == ZoneInfo[z][z_team]) continue;
	            if(GetMembersInZone(z, t) >= 1)
	                ZoneTakeOverTeam[z] = t;
	                GangZoneFlashForAll(ZoneInfo[z][z_id], GetTeamColor(t));
	                ZoneTakeOverTime[z] = 0;
                    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                     	       PlayerConquistZone( i );
      if(GetMembersInZone(z, ZoneTakeOverTeam[z]) > 0) // Members, just test
		        if(ZoneTakeOverTime[z] >= 5)//20 //The number of gang zone flash, just test
	                GangZoneShowForAll(ZoneInfo[z][z_id], GetTeamColor(ZoneTakeOverTeam[z]));
	                ZoneInfo[z][z_team] = ZoneTakeOverTeam[z];
	                for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
	                        if(GetPlayerZone(i) == z && Equipo[i] == ZoneTakeOverTeam[z])
	                            PlayerWinZone( i );
	                ZoneTakeOverTeam[z] = -1;
	                ZoneTakeOverTime[z] = 0;
                ZoneTakeOverTeam[z] = -1;
                ZoneTakeOverTime[z] = 0;

CallBack: PlayerConquistZone( playerid )
	GameTextForPlayer( playerid , "_~n~_~n~_~n~_~w~Has empezado la conquista de esta zona", 2000 , 6 );

	new str[128], txt[24] ,zone[MAX_ZONE_NAME];
	switch ( Equipo[playerid] )
	    case 1: txt = "~g~Grove";
	    case 2: txt = "~p~Ballas";
	    case 3: txt = "~y~Vagos";
    	case 4: txt = "~b~~h~~h~Aztecas";
	GetPlayer3DZone(playerid , zone, MAX_ZONE_NAME);
	format( str , sizeof str , "~w~Los %s ~w~conquistan una zona cerca de ~y~%s",txt , zone);
    Anuncios( str );
	return 1;

CallBack: PlayerWinZone( playerid )
	GameTextForPlayer( playerid , "_~n~_~n~_~n~_~g~~h~~h~Has conquistado esta zona~n~~y~~h~ +5 Score~n~~p~~h~ $2500", 2000 , 6 );
	DropMoney( playerid , 2500 );
	DropScore( playerid , 5 );

	new str[128], txt[24] ,zone[MAX_ZONE_NAME];
	switch ( Equipo[playerid] )
	    case 1: txt = "~g~Grove";
	    case 2: txt = "~p~Ballas";
	    case 3: txt = "~y~Vagos";
    	case 4: txt = "~b~~h~~h~Aztecas";
	GetPlayer3DZone(playerid , zone, MAX_ZONE_NAME);
	format( str , sizeof str , "~w~Los %s ~w~han conquistado una zona cerca de ~y~%s",txt , zone);
    Anuncios( str );
	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
help code - by karoliko - 14.06.2016, 12:33

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