Constant Object Rotation

You do realize giving you an include that does it is same as copy pasting a function that does it right?
you probably don't
here is a tip, move object rotates objects smoothly if you include some little movement in it too, if you want something to happen over and over again, timers.
there you go, you can build it yourself with those 2 tips in mind..

Messages In This Thread
Constant Object Rotation - by SsHady - 11.06.2016, 12:48
Re: Constant Object Rotation - by AliDollar - 11.06.2016, 13:29
Re: Constant Object Rotation - by SsHady - 11.06.2016, 13:34
Re: Constant Object Rotation - by PrO.GameR - 11.06.2016, 17:32
Re: Constant Object Rotation - by NaS - 11.06.2016, 18:02

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