[Ayuda]Obtener el punto mбs cercano.

ЎHola!, tengo una duda respecto a esto, estuve observando los spawns de GrandLacerny y encontrй estos puntos y me gustarнa saber їcуmo obtener la coordenada mбs cercana a algъn punto?, como ejemplo, el jugador.

PHP код:
new Float:gRandomSpawns_LosSantos[][4] = {
1751.1097,-2106.4529,13.5469,183.1979}, // El-Corona - Outside random house
{2652.6418,-1989.9175,13.9988,182.7107}, // Random house in willowfield - near playa de seville and stadium
{2489.5225,-1957.9258,13.5881,2.3440}, // Hotel in willowfield - near cluckin bell
{2689.5203,-1695.9354,10.0517,39.5312}, // Outside stadium - lots of cars
{2770.5393,-1628.3069,12.1775,4.9637}, // South in east beach - north of stadium - carparks nearby
{2807.9282,-1176.8883,25.3805,173.6018}, // North in east beach - near apartments
{2552.5417,-958.0850,82.6345,280.2542}, // Random house north of Las Colinas
{2232.1309,-1159.5679,25.8906,103.2939}, // Jefferson motel
{2388.1003,-1279.8933,25.1291,94.3321}, // House south of pig pen
{2481.1885,-1536.7186,24.1467,273.4944}, // East LS - near clucking bell and car wash
{2495.0720,-1687.5278,13.5150,359.6696}, // Outside CJ's house - lots of cars nearby
{2306.8252,-1675.4340,13.9221,2.6271}, // House in ganton - lots of cars nearby
{2191.8403,-1455.8251,25.5391,267.9925}, // House in south jefferson - lots of cars nearby
{1830.1359,-1092.1849,23.8656,94.0113}, // Mulholland intersection carpark
{2015.3630,-1717.2535,13.5547,93.3655}, // Idlewood house
{1654.7091,-1656.8516,22.5156,177.9729}, // Right next to PD
{1219.0851,-1812.8058,16.5938,190.0045}, // Conference Center
{1508.6849,-1059.0846,25.0625,1.8058}, // Across the street of BANK - lots of cars in intersection carpark
{1421.0819,-885.3383,50.6531,3.6516}, // Outside house in vinewood
{1133.8237,-1272.1558,13.5469,192.4113}, // Near hospital
{1235.2196,-1608.6111,13.5469,181.2655}, // Backalley west of mainstreet
{590.4648,-1252.2269,18.2116,25.0473}, // Outside "BAnk of San Andreas"
{842.5260,-1007.7679,28.4185,213.9953}, // North of Graveyard
{911.9332,-1232.6490,16.9766,5.2999}, // LS Film Studio
{477.6021,-1496.6207,20.4345,266.9252}, // Rodeo Place
{255.4621,-1366.3256,53.1094,312.0852}, // Outside propery in richman
{281.5446,-1261.4562,73.9319,305.0017}, // Another richman property
{790.1918,-839.8533,60.6328,191.9514}, // Mulholland house
{1299.1859,-801.4249,84.1406,269.5274}, // Maddoggs
їCуmo podrнa encontrar la coordenada mбs cercana a XYZ punto?

Messages In This Thread
[Ayuda]Obtener el punto mбs cercano. - by jonatinmos - 11.06.2016, 03:01
Respuesta: [Ayuda]Obtener el punto mбs cercano. - by OTACON - 11.06.2016, 03:19
Respuesta: [Ayuda]Obtener el punto mбs cercano. - by jonatinmos - 11.06.2016, 03:22
Respuesta: [Ayuda]Obtener el punto mбs cercano. - by OTACON - 11.06.2016, 03:29
Respuesta: [Ayuda]Obtener el punto mбs cercano. - by jonatinmos - 11.06.2016, 04:12
Re: [Ayuda]Obtener el punto mбs cercano. - by Daniel-92 - 11.06.2016, 04:52

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