Problem in YSI/y_ini user data

Yes, it saves it into a file.
But you still need to use GivePlayerMoney.

You should also set the player's money variable/enum thingy to 1000 when the player registers.
And then under OnPlayerSpawn:
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash]);
And whenever you want to give the player money, you have to also update PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash].

Also, udh_hash (adler32) is very bad in terms of security.
You should use SHA256, or a plugin like Whirlpool.

Messages In This Thread
Problem in YSI/y_ini user data - by rishabh - 09.06.2016, 18:02
Re: Problem in YSI/y_ini user data - by Stinged - 09.06.2016, 18:19
Re: Problem in YSI/y_ini user data - by rishabh - 10.06.2016, 07:11
Re: Problem in YSI/y_ini user data - by Stinged - 10.06.2016, 07:30
Re: Problem in YSI/y_ini user data - by rishabh - 10.06.2016, 12:14
Re: Problem in YSI/y_ini user data - by Sime30 - 10.06.2016, 12:29

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