Accessing floats from a different script

Originally Posted by Stinged
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Thank you Nero_3D.
Would there be any difference in speed and memory usage if I do this:
[/code]#define GetPlayerHealthEx(%0) Float: CallRemoteFunction("GetPlayerHealthEx", "i", %0)[/code]
Instead of what you posted?
Speed-wise it would be the same but memory-wise not, if you do it like that both strings would be placed again and again into the memory, with the natives it would be as if you had declared both string global and reuse them each time

Messages In This Thread
Accessing floats from a different script - by Stinged - 05.06.2016, 13:09
Re: Accessing floats from a different script - by Konstantinos - 05.06.2016, 13:28
Re: Accessing floats from a different script - by Spmn - 05.06.2016, 13:34
Re: Accessing floats from a different script - by Stinged - 05.06.2016, 13:47
Re: Accessing floats from a different script - by IFilip - 05.06.2016, 13:51
Re: Accessing floats from a different script - by Stinged - 05.06.2016, 14:02
Re: Accessing floats from a different script - by Nero_3D - 05.06.2016, 15:15
Re: Accessing floats from a different script - by Stinged - 05.06.2016, 17:35
Re: Accessing floats from a different script - by Nero_3D - 05.06.2016, 19:12
Re: Accessing floats from a different script - by Stinged - 05.06.2016, 19:29

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