05.06.2016, 09:53
Последний раз редактировалось Nin9r; 05.06.2016 в 10:26.
I asked you if i have to escape all the strings, for example this:
and dialogid
It must be escaped?
Do you wanna say that i can use %e like
instead %d, %f (float ) or any type?
Please make me an example.
PS: I searched INPUTTEXT on the entire GM and all the strings are escaped. How can I see where's the problem?
format(str, sizeof(str), "Car Color ID 1?", price); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 14511, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Paint Car", str, "Yes", "No"); }
if(dialogid == 14511) { if(response) { if(!isnull(inputtext)) { new points = strval(inputtext); new str[128]; if(points >= 0) { col1[playerid] = points; mysql_real_escape_string(col1[playerid], col1[playerid]); format(saveQuery, sizeof(saveQuery), "UPDATE playeraccounts SET playerCarColour1 = '%d' WHERE playerID = '%d'",col1[playerid], PlayerData[playerid][pInternalID]); mysql_tquery(handle,saveQuery); } } } }
Do you wanna say that i can use %e like
format(saveQuery, sizeof(saveQuery), "UPDATE playeraccounts SET playerCarKM = '%e' WHERE playerID = '%d'",PlayerData[playerid][pCarKM],PlayerData[playerid][pInternalID]); mysql_tquery(handle,saveQuery);
Please make me an example.
PS: I searched INPUTTEXT on the entire GM and all the strings are escaped. How can I see where's the problem?