CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL


CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION require the CREATE ROUTINE privilege. They might also require the SUPER privilege, depending on the DEFINER value, as described later in this section.


If a user value is given for the DEFINER clause, it should be a MySQL account specified as 'user_name'@'host_name' (the same format used in the GRANT statement), CURRENT_USER, or CURRENT_USER(). The default DEFINER value is the user who executes the CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION statement. This is the same as specifying DEFINER = CURRENT_USER explicitly.

If you specify the DEFINER clause, these rules determine the valid DEFINER user values:

If you do not have the SUPER privilege, the only permitted user value is your own account, either specified literally or by using CURRENT_USER. You cannot set the definer to some other account.

If you have the SUPER privilege, you can specify any syntactically valid account name. If the account does not exist, a warning is generated.

So, replace "bondowocopz" with whatever the username is. Or remove the DEFINER clause entirely.

Messages In This Thread
CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by xMrA - 31.05.2016, 22:22
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by PrO.GameR - 31.05.2016, 23:12
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by xMrA - 31.05.2016, 23:19
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by BR3TT - 31.05.2016, 23:29
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by xMrA - 01.06.2016, 00:01
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by BR3TT - 01.06.2016, 00:19
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by xMrA - 01.06.2016, 00:53
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by Vince - 01.06.2016, 09:08
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by xMrA - 02.06.2016, 08:03

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