CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL

Please help me, everytime I try to upload the .sql file of the gamemode it says

SQL query:

-- -- Database: `ccnr` -- DELIMITER $$ -- -- Functions -- CREATE DEFINER=`bondowocopz`@`localhost` FUNCTION `time_function`(`ATIME` DATETIME) RETURNS varchar(100) CHARSET latin1 BEGIN DECLARE INF VARCHAR(100); DECLARE NWT VARCHAR(100); DECLARE TAG TINYINT; SET TAG = 0; SET INF = DATE_FORMAT(ATIME, "%Y%m%d%H%i%s"); SET NWT = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), "%Y%m%d%H%i%s"); /* Just a moment */ IF (INF = NWT) THEN SET INF = 'Just a moment'; SET TAG = 1; END IF; /* in * seconds ago */ IF (SUBSTR(INF, 1, 12) = SUBSTR(NWT, 1, 12)) AND (TAG = 0) THEN SET INF = CONCAT(SUBSTR(NWT, 13, 2) - SUBSTR(INF, 13, 2), ' seconds ago'); SET TAG = 1; END IF; /* in * minutes ago */ IF (SUBSTR(INF, 1, 10) = SUBSTR(NWT, 1, 10)) AND (TAG = 0) THEN SET INF = CONCAT(SUBSTR(NWT, 11, 2) - SUBSTR(INF, 11, 2), ' minutes ago'); SET TAG = 1; END IF; /* in * hours ago */ IF (SUBSTR(INF, 1, = SUBST[...]

MySQL said: Documentation

#1227 - Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation

Please help me I need to fix this

Messages In This Thread
CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by xMrA - 31.05.2016, 22:22
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by PrO.GameR - 31.05.2016, 23:12
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by xMrA - 31.05.2016, 23:19
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by BR3TT - 31.05.2016, 23:29
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by xMrA - 01.06.2016, 00:01
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by BR3TT - 01.06.2016, 00:19
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by xMrA - 01.06.2016, 00:53
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by Vince - 01.06.2016, 09:08
Re: CZ California Cops and Robbers MYSQL - by xMrA - 02.06.2016, 08:03

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