31.05.2016, 17:41
Oh god...now i see what you wanna do... Just make it like this: PHP код:
PHP код:
stock CreateBusiness(bizOwner[], bizType, Float:bizX, Float:bizY, Float:bizZ, Interior, VirtualWorld)
// Missing codelines ---> bizType is an int which refers to the ID of a biz type, which is used to create business from the BizTypeList..
new iTypeName = BizTypeList[bizType][biz_N];
mysql_format(MySQLPipeline, iQuery, sizeof(iQuery), "INSERT INTO `businessinfo` (`ID`, `Owner`, `Type`, `TypeName`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `CompsFlag`, `Interior`, `VirtualWorld`, `Street`) VALUES (%d, '%e', %d, '%e', %f, %f, %f, %d, %d, %d, '%e')", businessid, bizOwner, bizType, iTypeName, bizX, bizY, bizZ, compsF, Interior, VirtualWorld, zone);
mysql_tquery(MySQLPipeline, iQuery);