25.05.2016, 13:35
Assuming you are using MySQL, please show a screenshot of the following part of phpinfo():
The second error is standard because the database connection was not succesfully initialized. The first error was most likely because you don't have the pdo_mysql driver. |
Hum, mind giving me a hand in another difficulty I'm having? I'm trying to set up user-flags for players.
In order for this to work I want to use the geoip extension.
I downloaded the dll file of the geoip extension and put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\PHP\v5.5\php.ini
and edited the php.ini's [ExtensionList] -> I added the extension=php_geoip.dll at it's ending and when Included these lines in the body of my website, i got a blank site
PHP код:
$ip = "IP.IP.IP.IP";
$country = geoip_country_code_by_name($ip);
echo $country;