Help With Dialogs

When I Type /admins it shows the names of online admins but i want to show then in a box here is my code for admins command.

new count = 0, string[256], AdmRank[500];
	SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ORANGE,"»»Online Admins»»");
	new ChangeColor;
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
			if(PlayerInfo[i][Level] > 0)
				if(PlayerInfo[i][Level] == 1)
					AdmRank = "Junior Admin";
					ChangeColor = Color_Trial_Admin;

				else if(PlayerInfo[i][Level] == 2)
					AdmRank = "Senior Admin";
					ChangeColor = Color_Server_Admin;

				else if(PlayerInfo[i][Level] == 3)
					AdmRank = "Head Admin";
					ChangeColor = Color_Senior_Admin;

				else if(PlayerInfo[i][Level] == 4)
					AdmRank = "Management(Server Team)";
					ChangeColor = Color_Lead_Admin;

				else if(PlayerInfo[i][Level] == 5)
					AdmRank = "Server Owner(Rcon Admin)";
					ChangeColor = Color_Global_Admin;

				else if(PlayerInfo[i][Level] == 6)
					AdmRank = "Community Developer/Scripter";
					ChangeColor = Color_Server_Owner;

				else if(PlayerInfo[i][Level] >= 7)
					AdmRank = "Community Owner";
                    ChangeColor = Color_RCON_Administrator;
				else if(PlayerInfo[i][Level] >= 8)
					AdmRank = "Community Owner";
                    ChangeColor = Color_RCON_Administrator;
				new Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];

					format(string, sizeof(string), "Level: %d | Name: %s (ID:%i) | Rank: %s", PlayerInfo[i][Level], Name, i, AdmRank);

	if(count == 0)
	SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"No Admins online!");
	return 1;
When I Type /vips it shows the names of online vips but i want to show then in a box here is my code for vips command.
CMD:vips(playerid, params[])
    #pragma unused params
        count = 0,
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if (IsPlayerConnected(i))
            if(PlayerInfo[i][dRank] >= 1)
                format(string, 500, "%s %s [ID:%i] | DonorLevel: %d\n", string, PlayerName2(i), i, PlayerInfo[i][dRank]);
                //We are appending the string, so put %s before any new data is added,
                //and that parameter actually refers to the string itself.
    if (count == 0) ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 800, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{F81414}=Online Donators=", "{00FFEE}No Donators Online\n{00FF00}_____", "Close", "");
    else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 800, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{F81414}=Online Donators=", string, "Close", "");
    return 1;
When I Type /moderators it shows the names of online moderators but i want to show then in a box here is my code for moderators command.
CMD:moderators(playerid, params[])
   new count = 0, string[256];
   SendClientMessage(playerid, blue,"Current online moderators:");
   for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++)
		  if(PlayerInfo[i][Helper] == 1)
             format(string, sizeof(string),"Moderator: [%d]%s", i, PlayerName2(i));
             SendClientMessage(playerid, blue, string);
   if(count == 0)
		  SendClientMessage(playerid, blue,"No moderators are online right now!");
   return 1;
Please Help Me Fixing All There Three Errors.Remember That I Want That When A Person Type These Commands A Box Comes Up.

Messages In This Thread
Help With Dialogs - by WatchDog - 24.05.2016, 15:24
Re: Help With Dialogs - by GTLS - 24.05.2016, 16:06
Re: Help With Dialogs - by GTLS - 24.05.2016, 17:02
Re: Help With Dialogs - by WatchDog - 25.05.2016, 04:39
Re: Help With Dialogs - by ManIsHere - 25.05.2016, 10:01
Re: Help With Dialogs - by GTLS - 25.05.2016, 10:14
Re: Help With Dialogs - by TheseMan - 25.05.2016, 10:35
Re: Help With Dialogs - by GTLS - 26.05.2016, 13:21
Re: Help With Dialogs - by ilijap - 26.05.2016, 13:41

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