Protection anti-invalid-mods

forward Tick();

public OnGameModeInit()
	// Set timer of 1 second
	SetTimer("Tick", 1000, 1);

public Tick() {
	for(new a = 0; a < MAX_PLAYERS; a++)

// assumes player is in a car - make sure it is.
illegal_nos_vehicle(PlayerID) {	
	new playercarmodel = GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(PlayerID));
	return IllegalCarNitroIde(playercarmodel);
You should read over the thread more as to where it's from as well.

This is just timertest.pwn modified from the server packages examples.

Messages In This Thread
Protection anti-invalid-mods - by TheWay - 20.05.2016, 03:55
Re: Protection anti-invalid-mods - by Sew_Sumi - 20.05.2016, 04:04
Re: Protection anti-invalid-mods - by TheWay - 20.05.2016, 04:14
Re: Protection anti-invalid-mods - by Sew_Sumi - 20.05.2016, 05:39
Re: Protection anti-invalid-mods - by jlalt - 20.05.2016, 07:44
Re: Protection anti-invalid-mods - by Nin9r - 20.05.2016, 08:48

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