lock distance from driver's door

well, i tried to make a function that checks if player is near driver's door.

PHP код:
new FloatxFloatyFloatz;
GetVehicleModelInfo(car[id][carModel], VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_FRONTSEATxyz);
if (!
SendErrorMsg(playerid"You are not near car driver's door."); 
somehow it's not working.
/lock command by itself works - also car can be locked, but cannot be unlock - doesn't work.

Messages In This Thread
lock distance from driver's door - by thaKing - 14.05.2016, 17:30
Re: lock distance from driver's door - by AndreT - 14.05.2016, 17:34
Re: lock distance from driver's door - by thaKing - 14.05.2016, 17:48

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